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Fine art bjd dolls completely handmade

Ball Jointed Doll

"My BJD are made with love and love for beauty"

- Alessandra Nicolin

fine art ball jointed ball

My BJ Dolls

My Dolls are completely handmade, taking care of the smallest details and made from liquid ceramic.

Create this type of dolls is an extremely hard process that requires a minimum of two firings: one of 800 ° C and the other of 1240 ° C

After the firings

After the firings every piece needs to be sanded with different sandpaper to make the porcelain very smooth and nice to touch.

Painting process

Painting process needs various layers of color: each layer must be cooked at 700 ° C.
The oven reaches the temperature in 10 hours and another 10 hours are needed to cool down the pieces.

Attention to detail

It’s good to say that imperfections guaranteed the handmade, however we pay maximum attention to details.

The creation process

Creating this type of BJD made with porcelain is an extremely delicate process that requires two firings: one at 800 ° C and the other at 1240 ° C.
After baking, each piece is sanded to make the porcelain very smooth.

Painting process

Painting process needs various layers of color: each layer must be cooked at 700 ° C.
The oven reaches the temperature in 10 hours and another 10 hours are needed to cool down the pieces.

I pay maximum attention to details.



Alessandra Nicolin

It was 2010 when I created my first polymer clay sculpture learning from artists online.
From that day I never stopped and my creativity continued until now, creating beautiful porcelain BJD Dolls.

Bjd artigianali

Attention to the smallest details